
Stillbirth---What You Should Know About It?

A few days ago, A-Fang, a 25-week pregnant woman living in Foshan, Guangdong Province, suffered a stillbirth after having a sex with her husband.

A-Fang was sent to the hospital and admitted to ICU as she got severe pain in her hypogastric region. After emergency treatment, her vital signs are stable and is getting discharged from the hospital. And the result of emergency B-ultrasound showed no fetal heartbeat. In fact, we can see many cases about stillbirth related to sex during pregnancy every year. But few people know how it occurs and what to avoid.

What Is Stillbirth?

A stillbirth typically refers to the fetal death at or after 20 weeks of pregnancy. (When a pregnancy is lost before 20 weeks, it's called a miscarriage.) According to the statistics provided by Lancet, it says stillbirth rate in China has reduced by 4–6% in the past 15 years. However, the number of stillbirths in China in 2015 remains high and ranked in the top fifth of the world.

Sex During Pregnancy: Will It Harm The Baby?

Sex during pregnancy is the absolute last thing on many women’s mind. Many parents-to-be have ever worried about it. Fear of hurting the baby is probably most common reasons to avoid sex during pregnancy.

What May Occur If Sex During Pregnancy?

1. Bleeding:
Bleeding after sex is one of the common causes of bleeding during pregnancy. It’s generally caused by increased blood supply and softening of cervico. Although you don’t need to stop having sex, but you had better be as careful as possible and avoid “rough sex”.

2. Infection: 

When you’re pregnant, you need to be careful about infection and infectious diseases before having sex with your partner. Exposure to sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy increased the risk of infection that can affect your pregnancy and the fetus’s health.

3. Miscarriage or Preterm Birth:

Sex during pregnancy may cause uterine contraction, which potentially leads to miscarriage or preterm birth. 

If you have any question? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or contact us by Email(Address: inquiries@eliza.hk)


Why Is Woman Always So Emotional?

Read this article,you will know ......

Not every menstruation cycle is the same.
But you can just take it as an example.
DAYS 1-2
Your period starts,
Low estrogen = fatigue,
Uterine contractions = cramps,
Good time to:Exercise gently.
DAYS 3-5
Your period ends,
As estrogen increases…
Energy rises,
You feel upbeat,
Good time to:
Power through it,
With estrogen up…
DAYS 6-9
Your face looks,
more symmetrical,
Your skin glows,
With testosterone up…
You're on top of your game,
You're quick on your feet,
Good time to:
Take initiative.
DAYS 10-13
Estrogen peaks,
You're at your sexiest and most fertile,
Orgasms are most intense and attainable,
You're optimistic and social,
Good time to:
Get out there.

Ovary releases an egg,
If not fertilized,dissolves.
DAYS 15-18
Sudden hormone changes may intensify emotions and tiredness.
DAYS 19-22
Estrogen drops,
Testosterone and progesterone surge,
Excess oil = breakouts and sensitive skin,
Good time to:
Eat healthy.
DAYS 23-25
High progesterone can cause bloating and lowered libido,
Don't feel like you have to do it all,
Despite possible sluggishness, 
Conquer PMS …
and boost serotonin with …

DAYS 26-28
To ease breast soreness … 
Cut down on caffeine,
Reduce sugar intake,
Stay hydrated,
And get ready to…
Do it all again.

For more information: Why Is Woman Always So Emotional?


Health Insurance & Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital

Dealing with insurance and other benefits can be a very confusing thing. We’re pleased to accept a full range of insurance plans at Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital, prior to your appointment, please see the detailed insurance below or contact us to see if your insurance is accepted.  
We now offer direct billing for the following insurance companies(Including but not limited to):
AXA, Allianz, Allianz assistance, SSC, Prestige, Huatai, EAJ, Travel over, SOS, HTH, HK BMC, Medilink, Healix, Autovision, Bupa, Cigna, Pingan, etc.

Insurance Coverage (Including but not limited to below items):
Gynecology, Delivery, Obstetrics, Pre-Pregnancy Checkup, Health Checkup, Counseling & Psychological Services.  

What Is Not Covered By Insurance?
Chronic Conditions, Cosmetic Surgery, HIV&Aids, Pre-existing Conditions, Sexual Problems, Sleep Disorders, Obesity, Infertility Treatment, Sexual Dysfunction, Termination Pregnancy, Non-medical Required Treatment, etc. Chinese Medication, Unknown Medication, Nutrition, etc.

What You Need To Know Before Choosing An Insurance?
Choosing the wrong health insurance could mean paying too much. And even worse, it could mean not having the coverage you need, or not being able to use the health insurance you bought. So it is important to know what you're paying for when you buy insurance. Here are some key things you should find out from your insurer or broker before purchasing. 

1. Does the hospital you want to go to take your insurance? If you have a specific hospital or doctor you want to go to, make sure they have an agreement with the insurer you are buying from. In addition, know what hospital you want to be sent to in the case of an emergency. Call your insurance and the hospital to make sure that they recognize each other and offer direct billing. 

2. How does direct billing work? Direct billing is where the hospital has a contract with your insurer so that they pay directly for treatments and doctor's visits. With direct billing, the patient doesn't have to file a separate claim with the insurance company or open their own wallet to pay and get reimbursed. Different insurers have different hospital networks and different services that they can direct bill for -- you should find these out before buying your plan.

3. Are the services you want to be covered? Do you want coverage for vaccinations, chiropractic treatments, therapy or Traditional Chinese Medicine? Plans are different so don’t assume that all services are covered.

4. Pre-existing conditions: will yours be covered? Can you get a group plan to get coverage? What are the alternatives? Should you leave your current health plan? You don't want to lose existing coverage when you make a switch. 

5. What are the waiting periods? Some types of insurance have waiting periods, where coverage for certain services doesn't begin until months or years after you first start paying for your plan. These services can include maternity, psychiatry, wellness check ups, dental and other service. Be aware of when your coverage actually starts. 

If you have any question about insurance? Don't hesitate to leave a message, thank you.

For more information: Health Insurance & Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital


A British Woman Live Streams Her Labor On Facebook.

2016 is the year of live streaming. Everyday, millions of people around the world use video live to capture, broadcast and spread ideas, stories and events that matter to them. Some are broadcasting their daily lives---from singing to dancing, teaching a foreign language to putting on makeup, etc.
Recently, a British woman has live streamed her labour on Facebook, with more than 2 hundred thousand strangers watching online, showing that giving a birth is not like the one shown in the TV or movie, and media reports said today.

Sarah-Jane Ljungstorm, 35-year-old, an ad-agency director from London, switched on the camera soon after her water broke while eating pizza on the soft at home.
Speaking about broadcasting her labor on a website, she said; “I have been blogging about motherhood and my pregnancy this year, so it was natural for me to share my labour. I find being a mom so rewarding but it can be overwhelming and lonely.”
Clink this link to watch video: Live streaming a labor.

So far, many commentators leave a message to express their admiration for this mum’s courage. One said; “ Broadcasting labour is a fantastic idea, not only it showed a real everyday labour that other mums and pregnant woman could follow and see how it went, but also could help the mum distract her attention from the pain.”

For more information: A British Woman Live Streams Her Labor On Facebook.


I Long To Be King

Zhao Xiaogang, a chest surgeon at Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, recently has his English poem about development of lung disease published in CHEST, an internationally-recognized prestigious journal of thoracic surgery. Zhao is the first Chinese doctor to have a medical poem published in this magazine. His poem, “ I Long To Be King” shows how a minor lung disease can develop into fetal lung cancer, and has quickly become an internet hit.

The author writes, “ Although pulmonary ground glass opacity(GGO)could be benign or malignant , it most likely represents neoplastic lesion. Currently, the detection rate of GGO has increased remarkably in China. As a thoracic surgeon of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, I have diagnosed a large number of patient with GGO adenocarcinoma in daily clinical practice. I hope more people could understand it and take it seriously.


I am ground glass opacity (GGO) in the lung,
A vague figure shrouded in mystery and strangeness.

When young you called me “atypical adenomatous hyperplasia”,
Then when I had matured, you declared me “adenocarcinoma in situ”,
When fully developed, your fearful denomination: “invasive adenocarcinoma”.

From tiny to strong,
From humble to arrogant.

I’ve been nourished on the delicious mist and haze,
That sweetly warmed my heart,
Always loving when you were heavy drunk and smoking,
Creating me a cozy home.

My continuous growth gives me a chance to be king,
As I break through layers of obstacles,
Spanning the mountains and waters.
My fellows march to every corner and occupy every region.

For more information: I Long To Be King