
Notice---Guangzhou Elizabeth Women's Hospital

On behalf of our staffs and the whole Elizabeth Int'l Medical Center, hereby I wish you and your families a Happy New Year and prosperity in the upcoming new year. May your 2017 be filled with much joy, happiness and success. On the other hand, pls be informed that we still operate normally in the New Year and Chinese spring Festival. Pls don't hesitate to contact me if you need to consult, make an appointment, visit our hospital, know more information. We will keep hard working in the upcoming year and thank you very much!

How To Protect Your Baby During The Haze Attack?

These days, most cities in the north of China were engulfed in a choking haze of air. Some had also issued red alerts for air pollution, shutting down schools, factories and construction sites, hundreds of flights were canceled because of poor visibility caused by heavy smog.
“Smog invades Beijing,” tweeted Xinhua, a China’s official news agency. Haze is becoming a hot search term in China social media, and also has been the focus of public attention. Some warned that China’s haze could be “more horrible than the SARs epidemic.”
For most mum who just delivered a newborn baby, it’s important to know how to protect your baby from the haze. Their respiratory system is still immature, and more susceptible to the poor quality of air, long-term exposure to haze is likely to cause a range of symptoms in baby, like respiratory tract infection(RTI), emotional instability, asthma or bronchitis, and may require serious medical care.

There are at least three things you can do to protect your baby during haze period:

Breastfeeding---Breastfeeding is one of the best way to protect your baby’s health during haze period, as long as you’re breastfeeding, on the one hand, your baby will definitely benefit from your antibodies and natural immunities. On the other hand, breastfed babies generally have milder symptoms when it comes to flu or colds.

Stay Indoor As Much As Possible---When haze is around, you’d better stay indoor as much as possible, and keep all doors and windows closed, always switch on the air conditioner or purifier to improve indoor air quality.

Practice Good Hygiene---With dry weather, those with poor personal hygiene are more prone to diarrheal disease. So it’s necessary to observe and practice good personal hygiene all the time.

Changing Your Diet For Your Health---Trying Some Qingfei Food

Qingfei, a traditional Chinese medicine term, means clearing away the lung heat. And Qingfei food can effectively help you relieve some uncomfortable symptoms, like a cough, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Here are some Qingfei decoctions worth trying.

Snow Pear and Lily Decoction
Ingredients: Snow Pear, Lily, Medlar.

White Fungus Lotus Seed Soup with Pork Ribs
Ingredients: Lotus Seed, White fungus, Lily, Pork Ribs. 

Spinach and Pork Blood Soup
Ingredients: Spinach, Pork Blood, Green Onion and Sesame Oil.

For more information: How To Protect Your Baby During The Haze Attack?

English For Beginners------Merry Christmas

This is the story of an old grandpa.
All the time he lives in a big house with his dog.
On a day before Christmas, he suddenly started to do online shopping.
He got what he bought on the net very soon.
We saw a book for English beginner after unpacking.
From then on, the grandpa started a crazy mode of learning English.
He started from the basic word”I”,”you”,”she”.
Grandpa Used all his time to study.
Even put a sticker note in English on all the things at home.

He’s always with a headphone for English-listening.

He looked in the mirror and tried to introduce himself in English.

He muttered English to himself wherever he goes.

open the fridge

He practiced even when he is having a meal.
Slowly, from a non-English speaker, he started to say simple words like “I love you”.
Christmas is coming.

Grandpa bought a suitcase on the net.
He packed his luggage.
Ask his neighbor to take care of the dog.
And he’s gone.
He is still nervous all the time.
Keep on practicing the self-introduce in English.
“Hi, I am…”
All the year round, the grandpa lives alone. Now where is he going? 
After a long time, he finally arrived.
The reason why he studies so hard to learn English started to show.
Because he wants to talk to his little granddaughter on Christmas for she only understands English.

“Hi, I am your grandpa…”
All the efforts is just for you.

On behalf of Elizabeth Hospital, we share this story to wish you a healthy and merry Christmas.

For more information: English For Beginners----Merry Christmas

Giving Birth In Guangzhou – Experiences From 5 Hospitals

Being Pregnant in China
Being pregnant in a foreign country brings a bit extra stress to an expecting woman, especially when it comes to deciding where to give birth. I interviewed five women who all gave birth in Guangzhou or Foshan to share their experiences.

Choosing the hospital 
When it comes to choosing where to give birth, the locations of the hospital is very important. Also recommendations from friends count a lot, as do a visit to the hospital.
  1. It is close to where I live. Several friends gave birth there and recommended it. It also has a good reputation for medical excellence------Jingxi Nanfang Hospital, Guangzhou.
  2. It was reasonable and have very good English-speaking doctors. They are very helpful at the hospital in all the sections------Guangzhou women and children hospital.
  3. It was next to our home… We heard more good comments than bad, our friends had babies there as well------Maternal and child hospital in Tianhe.
  4. Good impression of doctors and facilities------Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital.
  5. I was looking for a hospital which would let me have a VBAC. I knew a doctor who worked there, and one of my friends had 3 children there------Mother and Children Hospital in Foshan (VIP department).
Birthing experience 
When it comes to being satisfied with the hospital of your choice or not, the birthing experience is high on the list of course. When making your choice, try to gather experiences from many sources to get the full picture. There isn’t a  hospital that would be perfect for everyone.

Very satisfied but I was also very lucky that I was the only one in the delivery room at that time, so I could get up and move around as I wanted and have our doula present------Jingxi Nanfang Hospital.

Yes very much satisfied. I stayed at the hospital for 6 days and it gave me a lot of time to recover from my unplanned c-section------Guangzhou women and children hospital.

Well would be nice if they would have some courses for new moms, for example how to prepare breasts for feeding. I felt the information wasn’t enough. We couldn’t even get information on the prices, only when we left the hospital.

I don’t understand till now, why when we would go for check up every time – we would stay with the doctor for 10-15 min, but Chinese would take at least half an hour. And almost every time doctor would mention to me c-section, even I didn’t have any problem (ok I was big but she should feel and by scan should know that my baby’s size is good for natural birth. So I felt that it was a bit planned from doctor already.

I was late 6 days, when I came they told me if you won’t deliver till 7am we will help you. In my country doctors first doing everything to give u a chance to delivery by yourself. Not so much information, just paper signing even when you are on the table with the big pain – a lot of papers.

After our baby was born, they didn’t put my baby on my chest. Which I really would have wanted. But I thank them still cause me and the baby are healthy. I liked there that they had ayis to help out after delivery, you had to pay money for them, but it was worth the money------Mother and child hospital in Tianhe.

Very satisfied with everything. Delivery went very well, they listened to all my wishes, and I was even allowed to give birth in water even if my water had broken (this is normally not allowed in China, but still perfectly safe)------Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital.

I am very happy to have had a VBAC. The service was great, we had a 24-hour Ayi in our room. My husband was present all along. Nobody ever forced me to have a C-section or a medication, midwives let me try giving birth in different positions. The hospital had some gifts for us, including a photo shoot at a professional photo studio------Maternal and Children Hospital in Foshan (VIP department).

Advice for others planning to give birth in Guangzhou
The women I interviewed also gave useful advice for all the other women in the same situation.
  • If you don’t speak Chinese, hire a Chinese speaking doula.
  • Do research on the doctors who give you check ups, choose the one that fits for you.
  • If you want an answer, sometimes you need to push the doctors to give it to you.
  • Ask lots of questions, anything that comes to your mind.
  • Ask if the paperwork can be done beforehand, not when you are pushing your baby out.
  • Make sure the doctors and nurses support you.
  • Ask how they deal with emergencies.
  • Ask what they consider a natural birth is.

How To Choose Toys For Your Baby By Age?

It’s in a child’s nature to love playing with toys. The fun, colorful and educational toys are an indispensable part of everyone’s childhood memories. Our childhood would never be complete without toys. For the kids, not only it can bring fun and joy to them, but also help to develop creativity and enhance their Intelligence Quotient (IQ). As a parent, choosing toys for your baby is a learning skill, many have no idea what toys are appropriate for your baby by age. Reading the following lists of suggested toys for babies of different age, which may help you make the right choice. 

Toys for birth to 6 months.
Babies like to gaze upon other’s face—following them with their eyes. Typically, they prefer attractive faces and bright colors. Babies can reach, be fond of what their hands and feet can do, lift their heads, turn their heads toward sounds, put things in their mouths, and much more! You can buy some staffs they can reach for, hold, suck on, shake, or listen to, look at. 

Toys for 7 to 12 months.
Older babies are movers—typically they like going from rolling over and sitting, to scooting, bouncing, creeping, pulling themselves up, and standing. They understand their own names and other common words, can identify body parts, find hidden objects, and put things in and out of containers. You can buy some staffs to play pretend with, drop and take out, build with.  

Toys for 1-year-olds.
One-year-olds are on the go! Typically they can walk steadily and even climb stairs. They enjoy stories, start saying their first words, and can play next to other children. They like to experiment—but need the parent to keep them safe. You can buy some staffs to read, paint.

Toys for 2-year-olds (toddlers)
Babies are learning language at a very rapid pace. But they prefer doing a lot of physical “testing”: jumping, climbing, hanging by their arms, rolling, and rough-and-tumble play. They have good control of their hands and fingers and like to do things with small objects. You can buy some staffs for solving problems, or pretending building, picture books with more details.


What Should You Do When Baby Do Not Like To Drink Water?

Dear mothers, have you ever been upset that your baby does not drink enough water? So, let me tell you why the baby does not like to drink water Likewise, I am going to tell you how to deal with it.

Why does baby not like to drink water? 
In fact, most parents do not pay attention to feeding the baby enough water in their infancy. As a result, they allow baby to develop such a habit. So, we should have developed a habit of feeding the baby enough water, especially during the earlier days. We did not realize this before.

Why does baby not like to drink water? 
Normally the parents, when they give drinks to the baby, choose a sweet drink.Thus, the baby develops a taste for sweet drinks and find water insipid. Every day I prepare warm water for my baby! Well done!

Why does baby not like to drink water? 
Some parents worry that if their baby drinks too much water it will increase the frequency of urination. Parents tend to view the latter as an inconvenience. So, the parents feed the baby with less water.In the long run, it’s not good for baby’s health. This is simply caused by the parent’s laziness! It does no good to the baby.

Why does baby not like to drink water? 
Kindergartens and schools are not equipped with proper water machine. What’s more, parents do not prepare water bottle for their kids. Did you forget your water bottle today? No, it was prepared.

How to guide your baby to drink water?

Play games with them.
Prepare two cups, pour the same amount of water inside. One cup for you, one for your baby, and start to play a game called cheers. You drink one, I drink one. Let’s compete with papa.

How to guide your baby to drink water?

Encourage them.
Say more words like good job, dear, good baby always drink enough water…. Kids like to be praised by parents. In order to get a compliment, they will tend to drink more water. Good boy, you drink more than daddy now. That’s right.

How to guide your baby to drink water?

Do not keep any drinks at home.
For your kids’ health, parents should stop buying any kind of carbonated drinks. Sometimes if they want such drinks, make sure they finish it quick and do not bring it home. Set a good example for your kids by avoiding such drinks yourself. I want drinks.

How to guide your baby to drink water?

Parents are always the best example.
Parents play an important role in any of the kids’ habit forming. You can start by making exaggerated movements to attract his/her attention when you drink water. As parents, we must set a good example. For my kids’ good, I must control myself.

How to guide your baby to drink water?

Bandwagon effect
Kids like to follow what everybody does. We suggest parents bring a water bottle when you are taking them out for fun. As long as another kid is drinking water, just give her/him the bottle, they will drink it. You see they will start drinking water by themselves. It works well.

How to guide your baby to drink water?

Change their water bottle as per their interest 
Parents can prepare two or three water bottles with different cartoon patterns and change them from time to time. With their favorite pictures on the water bottle, kids might feel more interested in drinking water. Besides, make a story of their favorite idol about drinking water is another good way to attract them.
Warm tip 
If your kids like the sweet taste, you can put a slice of apple or pear in the water and wait let it soak for a moment. There will be a bit of natural sweet taste in it, which might make them more interested in drinking water.

Water is vital for health, especially for the baby. Babies of different ages have different daily water requirements. Parents should take that into consideration and cultivate the good habit of drinking enough water.

There is a Pediatric Counselling Department (PCD) at Guangzhou Elizabeth Women's Hospital. For further information, please make an appointment and inquire with our pediatrician. 

For more information: What Should You Do When Baby Do Not Like To Drink Water?