
Elizabeth VIP Antenatal Education Class

Every woman deserves a personalized treat and pregnant women even more so! Our VIP antenatal education classes give you the time to escape the stresses and strains of everyday life and will give you space to focus on yourself and your baby. It is a time for intensive education and why not combine this with a chance to gain some very valuable information for you and your partner.

If you say:
  • I am interested in natural birth;
  • Birthing my child in a holistic way appeals to me.
  • A natural childbirth environment designed with my safety and comfort as the priority is important to me.
  • I want the option of a gentle birth in a spa like environment.
  • I do not want an over-medicalized childbirth experience in an environment where women are given epidurals pitocin, etc. as a matter of course.
  • I desire a safe, natural childbirth customized to my needs and desires with the comforts of holistic birth destination. Having built-in accessories that make natural childbirth more comfortable.
  • Being surrounded by several competent and caring medical staff, relaxation therapists and doulas which make me feel nurtured and supportive
  • I want a childbirth experience that I can look back on and feel that all of my needs were met.
  • I believe that I deserve the best.

