
How To Prepare For A Baby’s Arrival Physically and Emotionally?

Last Sunday, Guangzhou Evergrande clinched sixth consecutive Chinese Super League title. Six league titles in a row and two Asian trophies along the way were only regarded as a start for China’s Guangzhou Evergrande, who have drawn comparisons with Real Madrid and Manchester United and are gaining global recognition. As a member of this leading Chinese soccer club, Rong Hao, also announced that he will welcome a baby into his family next month through social media. 

In past few years, many soccer stars choose Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital to have their baby, like Conca, Guangzhou Evergrande top foreign aid, having his baby in 2012; Muriqui, the best foreign aid in China and Asia, having a baby boy in 2013. Gao Lin, a technical striker, having a baby girl in 2015. Kim Young Kwon, Guangzhou Evergrande defender, having his daughter in 2015. As the medical stuff, we also consider it a great honor to provide high quality care and service for those who come to us from within the region, across the country and around the world.

For many parents-to-be, particularly for the first time, becoming a dad or mum is an emotional experience, which makes you feel like you’ve moved into another planet. At the same time, you have to keep a daily routine such as holding, rocking, feeding and changing diapers, etc. But a few weeks before labor begins, you probably count down the due date everyday, which is basically seen as an unnecessary “task”. As a mom-to-be or a dad-to-be, you need to know how to prepare for your baby’s arrival physically and emotionally.

According to Dr. Hati, Director of Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital IMC Psychological Department, mother and father are likely to hold different position within the family, which means they should be well prepared to do their parental part.

Steps in Preparing for Motherhood
  • Mimicry and role-playing;
  • Association with other pregnant women or new mothers;
  • Spend time with own mother. 
  • Identifies parenting role she wants to mimic;
  • Fantasy--How will it be to be a mother;
  • Grief work--giving up her current lifestyle as life will never again be the same.

Father’s Reaction to Pregnancy

  • Fathers are becoming more involved in the childbearing process from pre-natal care to participating in the labour and birth process
  • Acceptance is also his major developmental task to be achieved;
  • Needs to accept the reality of the child;
  • Need preparation for the changes that will take place for his wife;
  • Mood swings are common and emotions are unpredictable;
  • Narcissistic or self-centered response of mother may be misunderstood;
  • May feel “left out”; 
  • May have feelings of jealousy;
  • His childhood background will also influence his preparation;
  • Needs to also identify a role-model or parenting style he wants to mimic;
  • Preparation also includes fantasy and grief work.


Down Syndrome---Love knows no boundaries

Recently, I heard of a heart touching story about an American family adopting a Chinese abandoned child with Down syndrome. I’ve seen many real-life examples of unconditional love before this, but it really makes me understand what love without limits and conditions is. I really hope this story can raise public awareness of birth defects as well as prenatal check-up when it comes to babies with Down syndrome, I also want all to hear: Babies with Down syndrome are not the problems to be fixed, they are children to be loved, just like everyone else.

Angela, a mother of four in Kentucky, decided to adopt a child from China last year and was matched with Rosie Ru, a 4-year-old girl diagnosed with Down syndrome and abandoned by her biological parents at an orphanage in Hunan, China. 

Through her blogs---Adoption China Trip Motherhood, I can see what she and Rosie have experienced, highs and lows, laughter and tears on this adoption trip in China. “It's funny. Sometimes she looks more like a 2-year-old. Then other times, like in the photo below, she looks like a little girl. I can't wait to watch this girl blossom and grow,” Angela wrote.

The amazing job Angela and her family, as well as some children from other adoption community have done of preparing Rosie for welcoming ceremony, have ignited mounting enthusiasm among followers of Angela’s social network account. Compliments and praise words keep pouring in, made Rosie an Internet celebrity in an instant.

What is Down Syndrome?

Down Syndrome, also called Trisomy 21 is a disorder caused by the presence of an extra 21st chromosome. The symptoms of Down syndrome vary from person to person, common signs include: different degree of mental retardation, visual and hearing impairment, and other health problems.

How is Down Syndrome Diagnosed? 

Although the cause of DS is not clear and there’s no effective way to cure it, but it can be detected before the baby is born. According to Dr. Clemence, at Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital, there are two types of tests that can check for Down syndrome during pregnancy: a prenatal screening test, and a prenatal diagnostic test.

For most parents-to-be, Down Syndrome is still a word that strikes terror into their heart, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. For those children with Down syndrome, it is one of birth defects. As mentioned above, however, Angela filled the gap with care and love in the rest of Rosie’s life. As a Chinese saying goes: Love knows no boundaries.

For more information: Down Syndrome---Love knows no boundaries

Elizabeth Yoga Workshop II

Want to join us? Please call us at 18122300256.

For more information: http://en.eliza.hk/profile/News-Events/226.html


How to Deal With the First Trimester of Pregnancy Reaction?

For most women, various physical symptoms and new emotions always appear in the first trimester of pregnancy, some women felt extremely anxious during these early weeks, and some found it hard to believe it was really happening to them. Dr. Clemence, at Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital, just tells you how to deal with the first trimester of pregnancy reaction.

The First Trimester of Pregnancy Reaction

1: Menstruation Delay
If you find that your period is delayed more than 10 days, you are probably pregnant. It's the most common early pregnancy reaction that most people realized. In order to confirm pregnancy,you'd better go to see a doctor.
Take it easy and know that menstruation delayed is normal for pregnancy. If not,find out the reason for menstruation delayed is very important. In some case,stress,nervous and ovary dysfunction can cause it.
2: Nausea & Vomiting
Lots of women feel nausea in the early pregnancy,especially in the morning. Some feel a bit sick,but some have strong discomfort that they don't feel like eating anything. In this case,we call it hyperemesis gravidarum. You must go to hospital for a symptomatic treatment.
A proper diet for the pregnant woman should be rich in nutrition,delicate and easy to digest. As far as possible,adjust the taste according to their eating habits.
3: Swollen Pain of Breast
There will be pricking,swell and tickle in the breast. Prominent nipples are common. Besides,you can see the color change on the areola. Veins under the breast skin become more obvious.
Under the hormone effect,breasts start to grow bigger since 8-week pregnancy. In this case,you can massage it from time to time.
4: Easy Get Tired
It is very common that you feel like sleeping all day long in the early pregnancy.
Just take it easy and do some exercise. Go out have a walk from time to time. These outdoor activities will help ease your early pregnancy discomfort.
5: Frequency of Urine
In the third months of pregnancy,the bladder was pressed by the widening uterus,which has narrowed the bladder capacity. As a result,pregnant women pee a lot.
You should drink enough water and take it lightly. It's totally unnecessary to reduce the water amount because of frequent urination.

World Elite Cat Theme Prenatal Education Concert

Prenatal education music, as a kind of easy-enjoying art, will be a great help for the development of a baby's IQ and EQ.It is so beneficial to the fetus that our parents appreciate a lot. 

Elizabeth Women's Hospital, as an international high-end organization,¥we have always been focusing on prenatal care. We regularly organize prenatal education lectures and concerts for parents to learn more about the importance of this advance concept.

The most exciting truth is that with more and more parents approval the magic power of our prenatal education, which has made it an honor for us to continue our service for the need of early education. On October 23rd 14:00, there will be a world elite cat theme prenatal education concert in Asia International Hotel. We are looking forward to your arrival!

Music List
Activity Items 
Tmall Surprise
Lucky Draw 
Delivery Package Discount

Prestore 20,000y-Get 1500y Discount;
Prestore 30,000y-Get 4000y Discount;
Prestore 40,000y-Get 7500y Discount.

Add: No.326, huan shi dong road, GZ.(Asia International Hotel)
Metro: Line 5, Xiaobei station exit, walk towards east 5mins.

Global Hand-Washing Day---Overview, Goals and Technique.

About Global Hand-Washing Day

October 15 is Global Hand-Washing Day founded by the Global Public Private Partnership for Hand-Washing(PPPHW), dedicated to increasing awareness and realizing the importance of hand-washing with soap as an easy, effective and affordable way to prevent disease and save lives. The 2016 Global Hand-Washing Day theme is “Make Hand-washing a Habit”.

The Goals of Global Hand-Washing Day
The goals of Global Hand-washing Day are:

  • Support a global and local culture of hand-washing with soap; 
  • Shine a spotlight on the state of hand-washing in each country; 
  • Raise awareness about the benefits of hand-washing with soap.
Get Involved in China

Primary students in China is learning how to wash their hands correctly. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund(UNICEF) and its government partners are running a campaign in schools, communities and on television to promote washing hands with soap.

“Educating children in hand hygiene is a good investment in their health.” said, Dr. Xu, at Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital.

Works of art from children showing what they understand about washing hands.

In China, health workers are invited to demonstrate how to wash one`s hands with soap.

Six Steps Hand-Washing Technique
1. Palm to palm;

2. Right palm over back of left hand. Left palm over back of right hand;

3. Palm to palm fingers interlaced;

4. Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlaced;

5. Rotational rubbing of right thumb clasped over left palm and left palm over right palm;

6. Rotational rubbing backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in palm of left and vice versa.

The six-step technique was considered to be an effective way to reduce the bacterial count and healthcare-associated infections.


Breast Cancer Awareness Month---What You Need To Know About It?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign aimed at raising awareness of breast cancer risks, the importance of screening and early detection, and treatment options available to female and male diagnosed with one of the many forms of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer in China
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer among women in China. Cases in China take up 12.2% of all newly diagnosed breast cancer and 9.6% of all deaths from breast cancer worldwide. 
Last year, Chinese pop singer Yao Beina, known for singing the theme tune of TV drama “The Legend of Zhen Huan”, died from breast cancer at the age of 33. Her death has brought breast cancer to public attention again, following American actress Angelia Jolie undergoing a mastectomy.
According to Dr. Santi, at Guangzhou Elizabeth Women's Hospital, “Currently it’s still not clear what causes breast cancer, therefore, early detection of the disease remains an important step of breast cancer control. When breast cancer is detected early, and if adequate diagnosis and treatment are available, there is a good chance that breast cancer can be completely cured.”
Signs or Symptoms of Breast Cancer 
Knowing how your breasts normally look and feel plays a key role in keeping up with your breast health. Finding breast cancers and its signs or symptoms as early as possible means you stand a better chance of successful treatment. According to Dr. Santi, any of the following unusual changes in breast could be a symptom of breast cancer: 
  • Lump in the breast or armpit;
  • Red or swollen breasts;
  • Nipple discharge;
  • Pain in the breast or chest area;
  • Changes in breast appearance;
  • Nipples become sensitive;
  • Itching on the breasts.
It is important to for every woman to be aware of changes in breasts and to know the signs or symptoms of breast cancer. 

Breast Cancer Screening
While the value of early detection is increasingly recognized, breast cancer screening cannot prevent breast cancer, it can help find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat. Breast cancer screening means checking a woman’s breasts for cancer before any sign or symptom appear. Ultrasound imaging and mammography are widely applied in breast cancer screening, having regular screening tests can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer. 
Our mission is to help those affected by breast cancer through early detection and support services.


What You Need To Know About Menstrual Disorder?

As we all know, menstrual disorder is a common gynecological disease that affects women’s normal menstrual cycle, and the causes of menstrual disorder may vary from woman to woman, it generally includes: pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, infections, mood swings, severe stress, some gynecological diseases and certain medications. Most women suffer from menstrual disorder at some point in their lives, if left untreated, and it may affect physical and psychological health, even lead to hemorrhagic anemia and infertility. 

There are a number of different menstrual disorders that can range from heavy, painful period to no period at all. According to Dr. Clemence, at Guangzhou Elizabeth Women’s Hospital, “For women, it’s important to recognize different signs or symptoms of menstrual disorder and get treatment as soon as possible.” Several different menstrual problems that you may experience are as follows:

Dysmenorrhea(Severe menstrual cramps)
Dysmenorrhea is severe, frequent cramping during menstruation. Pain usually occurs in the lower abdomen but can spread to the lower back and thighs. Dysmenorrhea can be classified as either primary or secondary based on the absence or presence of an underlying cause. 

Heavy menstrual bleeding
Heavy menstrual bleeding can be common in various stages of your life—during your teen years when you first begin to menstruate and in about your 50s, as you get closer to menopause. It may be caused by hormonal imbalances, structural abnormalities in the uterus and certain medications. 

You may also have experienced the opposite problem of heavy menstrual bleeding---Amenorrhea, which means no menstrual periods at all. It’s used for women who have not started menstruating after the age of 15 years (primary amenorrhea) and that stops menstruation for 3 months, but had been periods (secondary amenorrhea).

Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a series of physical symptoms, emotions, and behaviors that commonly occur in the last week of the luteal phase (the week before menstruation). Symptoms usually do not begin until 13 days before the cycle, and completed within 4 days after bleeding begins.

Anyhow, women should consult their doctor if any of the problems occurs.